Resources for Planning a Beautiful Nuptial Liturgy

This series of blog posts is to make planning your Nuptial Liturgy and Wedding Day an easy and fun experience! As an ES Creative bridal couple, you not only have access to my full source of resources, but I will regularly check in with you and assist as you plan for your special day! With over a decade of Catholic ministry experience, along with my professional experience as a wedding photographer, I bring unique insights and wisdom that can help make planning the perfect day for you even easier!

Why should we select classic hymns for our Wedding Mass?

"Traditional" will mean different things to different people-- for the purpose of this blog, I consider hymns found in most Catholic Church hymnals, along with classic instrumental tunes often associated with weddings. Some of the songs listed in this blog were written as recently as 30 years ago, but are included due to their classic style.

Couples prefer traditional music in their wedding liturgy for a variety of reasons. Many of my brides have mentioned appreciating the nostalgia of hymns they grew up with, or that many of their guests will recognize. Others, have a deep appreciation for the beauty of our Catholic tradition, particularly the music. Others opt for a combination of traditional and contemporary music based on what helps them pray. Whether you pick traditional hymns, classic songs that you grew up singing, or more modern worship songs, is dependent on your preferences, and what is allowed in your parish and diocese. Ultimately, you should pick music that helps you and your fiancé enter into prayer as you embark on this beautiful Sacrament together!

How do I pick the music for a Wedding Mass?

A beautiful and unique thing about the Nuptial Mass is that couple get to collaborate with their pastoral team to choose many parts of the Mass, including the readings, Gospel, and music. This is so cool, because you as a couple get to select pieces of the liturgy that have special meaning to you! However, since most individuals have not planned a liturgy before, this may feel intimidating or overwhelming. Did you know the music at Mass should align with each part of the Liturgy? The General Instruction on the Roman Missal ("GIRM") is the official Church instruction on Liturgy that guides liturgical planning. While some songs fit multiple moments, each part of the Liturgy has a unique meaning, and the music should reflect and enhance what’s happening. Luckily, there are many talented and faithful musicians who understand the importance and intricacy of planning a beautiful liturgy. I encourage you to touch base with the pastoral team at your parish and your musicians who have knowledge and experience planning liturgies.

If you are looking for more options for songs to use in your liturgy, I have asked professional musicians who work primarily in Catholic spaces for their insights on the best classic hymns to include (and at what part), in your wedding Mass. Check out our list below for ideas and inspiration! Looking for more Contemporary selections? Check out this blog post for a list of modern worship music.

Still need a musician for your Mass? All contributing musicians, (and some additional ones as well) are listed at the end of this post.

A musician plays a contemporary worship song on violin during a Catholic wedding Mass.

Preludes & Processionals


Butterfly Waltz (Crain) 

Cannon in D (Pachelbel)

Jesu Joy of Man’s Desiring ( Bach / Marriner / Academy of St Martin in the Fields)

Ode to Joy (Beethoven)

Prelude to Te Deum (Charpentier)

With Lyrics:

As with Gladness Men of Old ( Dix / Kocher / Monk)

Be Thou My Vision (Mary E. Byrne / Randall DeBruyn)

Come Thou Fount (Robert Robinson)

Glory and Praise to our God (Schutte)

Here I am Lord (Dan Schutte)

How Beautiful (Twila Paris)  

I Have Loved You (Michael Joncas)

In Christ Alone ( Getty / Townend)

Love Divine, All Loves Excelling (Rowland H. Pritchard · Charles Wesley)

O Bless the Lord (Michaels)

Prayer of St. Francis  (Sebastian Temple)

Servant Song (Richard Gillard)

Songs of Thankfulness and Praise (Hintze / Woodsworth)

When Love is Found (Wren / West / Hopson)

Responsorial Psalm

The following are the approved Psalms for Wedding Masses. Your Musicians will likely have an arrangement of each that they prefer.

Psalm 33: "The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord"

Psalm 34: "I will bless the Lord at all times"

Psalm 103: "The Lord is kind and merciful"

Psalm 112: "Blessed the man who greatly delights in the Lord’s commands"

Psalm 128: "Blessed are those who fear the Lord"

Psalm 145: "How good is the Lord to all"

Psalm 148: "Let all praise the name of the Lord"

Offertory, Preparation of the Gifts

Christ be Our Light (Bernadette Farrell)

Come To The Water (John Foley)

Servant Song (#2) (Mcgargill)

The Summons  (John L. Bell)

We are Many Parts (Haugen)

When Love is Found (Wren / West / Hopson)


Holy is His Name (John Michael Talbot)

Here I am Lord (Dan Schutte)

One Bread, One Body (John Foley)

Panis Angelicus (Franck)

The King of Love (Henry W. Baker)

The Supper of The Lord (Laurence Rosania)

Table of Plenty (Schutte)

Ubi Caritas (Rosania)

Presentation of Flowers to Mary

As I kneel before you (Maria Parkinson)

Ave Maria (Franz Schubert) 

Hail Holy Queen (Hermann of Reichenau)

Hail Mary: Gentle Woman (Carey Landry) 

Holy is His Name (John Michael Talbot)

Immaculate Mary (Paul Gibson)

On this Day Oh Beautiful Mother (Louis Lambillotte SJ)

Salve Regina (Hermann of Reichenau)

Sing of Mary ( Palmer / Williams)



Allegro Maestoso from Water Music (Handel)

Jesu Joy of Man’s Desiring ( Bach / Marriner / Academy of St Martin in the Fields)

Ode to Joy (Beethoven)

Trumpet Voluntary (Clarke) 

Wedding March (Mendelssohn)  

With Lyrics:

Come Thou Fount (Robert Robinson)

Love Divine, All Loves Excelling (Rowland H. Pritchard / Charles Wesley)

Joyful Joyful We Adore You (Henry van Dyke)

O God Beyond All Praising (Gustav Holst, Michael Perry)

St. Louis Catholic Musicians

The following is a list of Catholic musicians whom I have a professional or personal relationship with.. Their insight and knowledge of the liturgy helped me compile the above list. I recommend this list to anyone who desires talented, prayerful worship leaders for their Nuptial Mass!

Ben Allen — guitar, vocals

Parker Bishop— piano, vocals

Adam Bitter — guitar, vocals 

Mary Kate Buncher Westrich — guitar, vocals 

Pete Buncher — guitar, vocals 

Cecilia Detwiler Wall — guitar, vocals 

Sean Feltz— guitar, vocals 

Carmen Hinze— piano, vocals

Kyle Huelsing— guitar, vocals 

David Radley — violin, cello

Rachel Stinehart — Guitar and vocals 

Connor Stinehart — Guitar and vocals 

Becky Whitacker— vocals

Carrie Wolf Piotrowski — piano, vocals

Thank you to those musicians who helped compile the above list of music selections!

A Catholic wedding musician closes her eyes in prayer while singing during a wedding Mass in St. Louis at a church near me.